• Jean-Michel Jarre: Electronica

    I wanted to go into a more electro type of mood in terms of beat and sequences. French musician Jean-Michel Jarre is universally hailed as ...
  • Why Your Next Studio Macintosh Will Possibly be a PC Running Windows

    The creative professional, at a business level, is no longer even remotely relevant to Apple. Like most audio professionals, there’s a good chance you’ve built your ...
  • Dream Theater's Astonishing John Petrucci

    People... they’ll go to see Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and sit in a movie theater for two, two-and-a-half, three hours. No problem. But when it comes ...
  • Dream Theater's Astonishing John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess

    Dream Theater’s thirteenth studio release, The Astonishing, is a grand, double-album, concept story that, if reduced to a single sentence, tells the fantastic tale of ...
  • Dream Theater's Astonishing Jordan Rudess

    I’ve got an orchestra in my pocket. Let me take it out right now. JR: You got a million questions for me? MPc: Yes! JR: ...
  • Jane Getter's Got It Going On (Guitar)

    Take a jazz musician, a blues player, and a progressive rock lover and throw them in a blender. Actually, don’t do that. The results might ...
  • Ryo Okumoto: Keyboards (Spock's Beard)

    MPc: Let’s start with a 30-second summary of your musical life. RO: I grew up in Japan. Started playing piano when I was three years ...
  • Dave Meros: Bass (Spock's Beard)

    MPc: You’ve been with Spock’s Beard since the first record. How has the sound of the band evolved over the years through the various lineup ...
  • Ryo Okumoto: Keyboards (Spock's Beard)

    Our strength is the live performance. MPc: Let’s start with a 30-second summary of your musical life. RO: I grew up in Japan. Started playing ...
  • Dave Meros: Bass (Spock's Beard)

    I found a really messed up Ric and used that for my experimentation. MPc: You’ve been with Spock’s Beard since the first record. How has ...