— New ATW-3255 is an affordable, durable in-ear monitor system that is easy to use and delivers high-quality sound with dependable RF, ideal for use in houses of worship and live performance venues —
Stow, OH, May 11, 2022 — Audio-Technica, a leading innovator in transducer technology for 60 years, announces the launch of its new 3000 Series Wireless In-Ear Monitor System, designed to bring professional sound quality and features to all levels of performers and performance venues. Designed for use by musicians, system integrators, HOW technical personnel and owners of live-performance venues, the ATW-3255 3000 Series Wireless In-Ear Monitor System is an exceptional performer in both value and in operation. The durable in-ear monitor system is easy to use and, crucially, delivers high-quality sound with dependable RF across more than three times the tuning bandwidth of competitive models in its price range.
With design elements modeled after A-T’s acclaimed 3000 Series UHF Wireless Microphone Systems, the 3000 Series IEM system features a rack-mount transmitter with front-panel controls and large OLED display, compact body-pack receiver and ATH-E40 professional in-ear monitor headphones. The body-pack receiver’s efficient headphone amp and ATH-E40 headphone’s proprietary dual-phase push-pull drivers combine to provide clear, natural sound quality on any stage.
The 3000 Series Wireless IEM offers exceptionally wide-band UHF coverage for maximum versatility in the increasingly congested RF environment with 138 MHz of tuning range spanning 470 – 608 MHz in frequency band DF2. Its diversity antennas ensure stable reception even in the most crowded RF environments. Additional features include pan/personal mix controls; a cue mode that allows an audio engineer to monitor several IEM channels from a single receiver; a 3000 Link mode that enables compatibility with 3000 Series wireless microphone components; and network monitoring and control via the Audio-Technica Wireless Manager software.