Paul Gilbert is one of the great guitar heroes who need little introduction. Whether you first discovered his insane shredding mayhem in the speed metal band Racer X, his pop-music-that-totally-rocks work with super-group, Mr. Big, or any number of solo recordings and collaborative projects, there’s no denying Paul Gilbert’s role as an influencer of thousands of guitar players across a wide range of rock disciplines. He’s also a regular magazine columnist and instructor, spreading the gospel of guitar at every turn.
Ever thoughtful, funny, and forthcoming, we recently caught up with Paul to talk about Stone Pushing Uphill Man—his latest solo release, on which he’s reinterpreted a wide range of classic songs and ditched the lead vocalist, replacing that essential position with… his guitar! Of course, the conversation includes all sorts of random goodness, so allow me to direct the focus of your green-tinted, sixties mind here:
Even though the guys in Rush were very welcoming, I didn’t really know how to talk to them.
This content was featured on our original website. Click here to read the full story.

Scott Kahn, Editor in Chief, was the co-founder and associate editor of Korg Connection, the first official user group publication for users of Korg musical instruments. During a decade of work in Silicon Valley, CA, Scott wrote professionally for computer industry publications including PC Week Magazine and NewMedia Magazine. Outside of work, Scott is an accomplished musician and producer with many independent CD credits writing, playing, and producing.
Scott launched in 1998 as a simple website hosting musicians' classifieds for the first few years, but he knew that when the time was right, he would turn his attention to building into the kind of destination site that he wanted to visit as a serious musician himself. In March 2006, was officially re-launched as an online magazine focused on the needs of serious musicians, and in December 2017, the site underwent a next-generation overhaul to position it better for continued growth.
Scott is also author of the popular Hal-Leonard book, Modern Guitar Rigs: The Tone Fanatic's Guide to Integrating Amps & Effects, now in its second edition.