Tech 21 Mourns the Loss of Lloyd Schwartz

On the last evening of NAMM 2020, Lloyd Schwartz passed away. He served as Tech 21's “Solutions Architect” for just over 27 years. Lloyd’s unique combination of knowledge, humor, patience, and loyalty contributed to the love and respect he garnered from everyone who crossed his path.

According to Dale Krevens, Vice President of Tech 21, "We take some comfort in knowing that Lloyd's last days were spent not only doing what he loved most, but also in the fact that he had the opportunity to see so many of his friends and colleagues one last time. In fact, he relayed sadness over the show ending because he was having such a good time. As a company, we are shell-shocked to lose such an incredible and valued employee. As individuals, we are each shattered to lose such an amazing co-worker and friend."

A Tech 21 memorial is in the planning stages for the Spring. Details will be posted on social media when confirmed.

Lloyd Schwartz (1953 - 2020)

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